Radical Reconstruction<span>. After northern voters rejected Johnson's policies in the congressional elections in late 1866, Republicans in </span>Congress<span> took firm hold of </span>Reconstruction<span> in the </span>South<span>. ... Blacks won election to southern state governments and even to the U.S. </span>Congress during<span> this period.</span>
<em>Predictive expectation </em>
Most times will conceive a bigger picture of what is to come in our mind. Edward has a plan to obtain a car and he already has it in mind that his friend will give him a better deal. Edward already anticipated this prediction and its a case of predictive expectation
An expectation is termed predictive when we anticipate an outcome based on our old experience or real-life experience of others. Predictive expectations are most likely to happen because of the history backing up such future actions. Felipe and Edward get along so Edward expects a good deal because of the friendship.
Therefore this type of expectation is Predictive expectation.
Answer:A social category
Explanation:A social category is a collective number of people who all have similar characteristics eventhough they don't interact. For example, women, men, the elderly, and college school students all fall under social categories. A social category can transform or convert into a social group if people under social category start to interact with each other.
People who are found in the same place and who have similar characteristics but who do not interact are called social aggregates.
Flow-through tax entity
Flow-through tax entity does not record the income from its yearly operation as its net income. This type of organization direct directed those income to the owners, so the taxation laws that applicable for those income is the tax laws for individuals rather than business establishments.
Almost all countries allow this practice, but To prevent frauds, they usually required to file an annual return reporting the shares of income allocated to owners,
Checking your credit card history can help you better understand your current credit card position . Regularly checking your credit reports can help you be more aware of what lenders may see . Checking your credit reports can also help you detect any inaccurate or incomplete information.