Answer: Vertical integration is firm taking control of and producing its inputs and outputs rather than using the market.
Example: A vertically integrated produce company, for example, might hold a farm, a produce distribution business, and a green grocery.
The Land Ordinance of 1784 redistributed the new lands between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River into new territories. The original states had laid claim to the new lands but Jefferson created the land ordinance to ensure new states could be admitted.
The Land Ordinance of 1785 established a systematic way to divide the new western lands into 1 acre plots to create townships. Each township contained 36-1 acre square plots. With the 16th plot reserved for a school. The act set pricing for land that stayed in place until the 1860s. The reserved plot for schools demonstrated the government's desire to create public schools and to make education a priority.
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 created the process for lands to become a territory and then to become a state. The act stated slaves were not allowed in the Northwest Territory and all civil liberties were to be protected by the governments. This act demonstrated the progress the Founders were hoping to make and the eventual goals they had for the country in creating new lands.
Crude oil or related petroleum products are the number one export for several countries globally. With shipments estimated at $325 billion or 41.3 percent of global crude oil exports, Middle Eastern countries accounted for a large portion of global oil export revenues.
The committees of correspondence were associations of people that formed in several populated areas among the thirteen colonies during 1773. These groups were in charge of disseminating anti-British propaganda in their locations. They played a key role due to the fact they grew to such extent that they would later unify into one single entity during the Revolutionary War.
The Korematsu v. United States case justified the internment of Japanese-American citizens during World War II.
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese military, the United States officially entered World War II. Along with this, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066. This resulted in the forced removal of thousands of Japanese-American citizens from their homes and into internment camps. Korematsu was one of these individuals. He filed charges against the government, stating that being forced into an internment camp violated his constitutional rights. However, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the government.