There were many ways the American Independence was shaped and influences by the Enlightenment's political ideas. Many American leaders were influenced by their ideas of freedom of speech, equality, freedom of press, and religious tolerance. This had led to the rebellion against England
The Chief Justice who wrote the decision in Brown v. Board of Education was Chief Justice Earl Warren.
Correct answer is "a. True".
Urban police systems began to emerge throughout Europe and especially in France over the preceding centuries, it was in the early 1800s however that they took their modern conception and were adopted in the United Kingdom, which up to then had been resilient to an idea that it saw as an oppressive foreign import. The change in perception was a consequence of severe unrest and lawlessness in the cities, as documented in the classical Charles Dickens book A Tale of Two Cities. This process culminated with the passage of the Metropolitan Police act of 1829, which produced the world's first modern and professional police force.
Apollo teased Eros (Cupid) about shooting his bow and arrows. Cupid in his anger came up with a mischievous idea. He flew up a mountain with two arrows. One of gold and one of lead. The gold one would make the victim fall desperately in love with whomever they saw next. The lead one would freeze a heart, and the person could/would not love.
Eros spied the lovely nymph Daphe, and shot her with the lead arrow. She ran to her father, a minor river god. She begged him to allow her to remain chaste and unmarried. He loved her very much but was deeply saddened by this. He granted her wish though.
A small bit of time later Eros saw Apollo walking nearby and so he struck him with the golden arrow, causing the god to fall madly in love with poor Daphne.
He began to chase her but since she had been with Artemis's hunters and was a nymph (not human) she was able to just barely evade him.
She cried out to her father for assistance, and he granted her her wish to remain alone. He turned her into a Laurel tree.
Apollo cried and kissed the bark repeatedly but the lovely nymph was already gone. He took down some of the branches and wore a Laurel crown so he could always have his 'love' with him. And then it became his sacred tree.
It later became a important Grecian symbol, often of power, knowledge, and/or Apollo's favor.