The answer is <span>It is shameful for an emperor to flee the rioters.
It is dishonorable for a ruler to escape the agitators. Ruler Theodora's part amid the Iconoclastic Controversy is the point at which she reestablished the utilization of symbols after her significant other's passing. She evidently said it to Justinian when he needed to escape from the Nika Riots.
Greta Thunberg has attracted international attention since her lone demonstration outside the Swedish Parliament in August 2018. Her “school strike for the climate” has now grown into a global movement that has brought more than 10 million people onto streets worldwide to demand action on climate change.
Can you add a link to a readable version of the speech
Washington's Farewell Address
Washington's Farewell Address was just that, a farewell address given by outgoing first President George Washington in which he warned of the dangers that faced America ahead.
The Fundamental Orders were adopted by the Connecticut Colony council on January 14, 1639 OS (January 24, 1639 NS). The fundamental orders describe the government set up by the Connecticut River towns, setting its structure and powers. They wanted the government to have access to the open ocean for trading.