Poverty, crimes and pollution.
There are various number of problems which are present in the our surrounding but the major problems are poverty, crimes and pollution. Poverty is the major issue of our society which leads to increase crime rate because poor people commit crimes to support his family. If the government provide employment to these people, there will be no crime in the society. There are many industries in our locality that causes huge amount of pollution which leads to diseases in the surrounding people.
low social economic status individuals.
Judging from the information presented in this scenario, Erin's parents are of low social economic status that is, they are of lower educational achievement, poor health and poverty, they lack social amenities hence they could not set high educational goals for Erin.
Answer: Babylonians came after Akkadians and Sumerians so it is important to bear this in mind because many of their skills were inherited from previous cultures and some of these skills can be viewed as an extension of Sumerian and Akkadian culture/civilization (Sumerian language continued being language of liturgy, some old Sumerian religious cults were still there, Sumerian mythology was still present, astronomy and mathematics and cuneiform characters were inherited). Day divided in 24 hours is a Babylonian invention, circle divided in 360 degrees is also Babylonian invention, capacity to predict lunar eclipse and discovery of lunation (and their symbolic interpretation) is a Babylonian invention. Big part of all that was acquired/inherited by old Greek thinkers (Thales for example).
Explanation: There is no doubt that astronomy/astrology is of Sumerian/Babylonian origin and this knowledge was spread in Middle East and later it came to Greece. Egyptian and Greek (and later western) astrology was influenced by Babylonian astrology. Many predictive techniques and divinations we can found among Egyptians and Greek were of Babylonian origin (study of planetary secondary progressions, eclipses etc.).
Access to human rights tend to lead to economic growth.
One of the most efficient method to ensure economic growth is by making sure that the people have the means and capability to be highly skilled individuals by the time they entered their productive years.
This could only happen if the country make sure that its citizens have incentives to pursue high educations and possess the resources to increase their career. All of these would only be available if the country makes sure that its people have human rights protection (such as freedom to pursue their own careers and copyright protection ) and access to basic necessities (such as foods, shelters, and education).
The drug control policy that prevails in the Netherlands and Switzerland is "harm reduction".
Drug policy in Western Europe has dependably been test, yet, as of late, a few nations have joined the Netherlands and Switzerland in their quest for elective strategies for managing the drug epidemic. Numerous Western European countries are refocusing endeavors on the social welfare part of medication utilize and diminishing their emphasis on the law requirement reaction, while forcing stricter punishments on those associations that supply unlawful medications.