Emperor Romulus Augustus was deposed by the Germanic King Odoacer if I remember correctly.
Sociocultural evolution<span>, </span>sociocultural evolutionism<span> or </span>cultural evolution<span> are theories of cultural and </span>social evolution<span> that describe how</span>cultures<span> and </span>societies<span> change over time. Whereas sociocultural development traces processes that tend to increase the </span>complexity<span> of a society or culture, sociocultural evolution also considers process that can lead to decreases in complexity (</span>degeneration) or that can produce variation or proliferation without any seemingly significant changes in complexity .<span> evolution is "the process by which structural reorganization is affected through time, eventually producing a form or structure which is qualitatively different from the ancestral form".</span>
A government corporation, is a corporation that can be fully or just partially owned by the government. They usually manage part of the government's industry. Take OPEC countries for instance. OPEC tends to manage the oil production in these countries...hope that was helpful
Quran fjtasbjondqrj kuwavhrdjj