The 7/8 pound fish.
2/3lb = 0.6666 lb
7/8lb = 0.875 lb
We now want to find the best approximation to a given function. This fundamental problem in Approximation Theory can be stated in very general terms. Let V be a Normed Linear Space and W a finite-dimensional subspace of V , then for a given v ∈ V , find w∗∈ W such that kv −w∗k ≤ kv −wk, for all w ∈ W.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. 210 m³
2. 320 in³
3. 189 m³
4. 150 cm³
5. 576 ft³
6. 240 m³
7. 220 cm²
8. 150 ft²
9. 132 in²
10. 592 m²
Step-by-step explanation:
Volume = l × w × h
Area = 2 (wl + hl + hw)
Volume is always cubed.(³)
Area is always squared (²)
Plug it in.