Europa es el cuarto continente más poblado después de Asia, África y América con una población de 735.000.000 o alrededor del 11% de la población mundial. En los siglos XVII y XVIII, las naciones europeas conquistaron y saquearon la mayor parte de África, América, y gran parte de Asia.
President George H.W. Bush is a very conservative and pragmatic leader. He showed these traits in dealing with foreign affairs. Before acting on a situation, he studies the policies first. An example of his conservatism and pragmatism involved China.
When the Chinese government gunned down their people who conducted a peaceful protest, the US government didn't react as harshly as its people wanted. They imposed limited sanctions. This is because President Bush knows that they still have to deal with China in the future. He did not burn down the bridge on this foreign relation.
Based on history, Spain and Portugal were the first one to colonize the nearby country making the country expand on its territory. Meanwhile, Portugal mainly focusing on the trades and economy of its country. In contrary to this, Spain got an idea to find spices from nearby country since it was at that time has a greater value.But, It is the Spain send missionaries and friars to nearby country to Christianize those native people.