Some clouds above and others below when they are higher are more windy and when they are normal the wind is not so cold.
Sorry if I don't help.
dispositional attribution.
There are two distinct types of attribution in psychology including the situational or external and internal or dispositional attribution.
Dispositional attribution: In psychology, the term "dispositional attribution" is also denoted as "internal attribution" and is determined as a phenomenon an individual thinks or infers that the other person's behavior or an event is caused due to some personal factors, for example, feelings, traits, or abilities.
In the question above, the given statement signifies the dispositional attribution.
C) Natural concepts
Hope this helps! : )
Having more oil than water can majorly affect the country because - as we already know - oil is very damaging to the environment if mishandled, however, it brings in a pretty hefty profit. Although it brings in money, water is more important. That brings us to the answer to our question: Having more oil than water affects the way that the countries economy functions because the less water you have, the more the people of the country are effected and the more that the countries economy is damaged (this means that people are then being negatively effected and this can cause everything to fall apart).
Does this answer your question? If it doesn't make sense, I can always clarify.
Hope this helps!!
Have a nice day :)