The book of Revelation would be your answer.
The age structure of a population refers to the categorization of the world's population into age groups.
The current age structure of the world’s population means the population will keep growing because of at least 2 reasons:
1. Death Rate Decrease: Death rate is decreasing more rapidly than birth rate, the child mortality rate had dropped drastically from 1-in-5 in 1950 to less than 1-in-20 today.
2. Increase in Average Human Age: This means that people are living longer than before, and if that is the case then population will keep growing
3. An expansive Age Structure of World Population: The world population will keep growing into the near future because it has an Expansive population pyramid which means that a larger percentage of people are in the younger age bracket. This further implies that there will be high fertility rates because young people are more likely to reproduce than the aged.
A =Number of hits plus the Number of walks
Explanation: The situation here is a Baseball game between two teams like the New York giants and San Francisco wannabes whereby the number of strikes from a player and the number of balls that is being picked by the Goalie of the Opposing team.
There by we have the acronyms of single base ,Walks, Double strikes, Triple Strike and home runs are used by the umpire during the game .
The story of The Old Man With Enormous Wings reveals how humans may respond differently to who is weak, dependent or different. It has moments of compassion but mostly of cruelty throughout the story, because of the old man intriguing presence.
His human body with the unexpected wings looks not completely human nor magical or surreal. His human side is shown by his filth, disease and infirmity. Also by his rare reactions to the others that gathered to watch him and seek for healing and comfort.
The doctor was amazed that such an unhealthy man could still live and also how the old man's wing seemed natural. The narrator speak of the "lunar dust", "stellar parasites" and the "consolation miracles" bringing his genuine supernatural qualities, but keeping his nature a mystery.
The story goes around the old man and the poor family he appears to. They couldn't understand him and just kept him there because their son got better from a serious disease. They basically gave him food for they wouldn't be responsible if he died, but they kept him locked in the kitchen coop, attracting many curious. They started to get real wealthy charging the people fees to watch the old man. After the curiosity was over they were able to change their life and build a new home. Later on maybe regretting for the way they treated the old man that one day just flew away.