These base pair relationships are often called Chargaff's rules of DNA base pairing, named after the Columbia University scientists who observed that there are equal molar concentration of A & T, as well as G & C in most DNA molecules.
I mean that's what you teachers probably think the answer is but only a very hopeless and sad person should think evolution exist, if it did, why isn't happening today, or why don't we see changes.
Energy convention: Convection is the motion of a fluid driven by temperature differences across that fluid. When a fluid is heated, the region in closest contact with the heat source becomes less dense due to increased kinetic energy in the particles. Convection is one of the fundamental ways that heat is transferred
I think the answer is A.
Ponds and lakes are both inland bodies of freshwater that contain living creatures. Lakes are normally much deeper than ponds and have a larger surface area. ... All the water in a pond is in the photic zone, meaning ponds are shallow enough to allow sunlight to reach the bottom.
The yearly process known as thermal stratification. A pond that is thermally stratified simply means that there is a noticeable temperature gradient as the water gets deeper. You may have noticed this in summer while swimming.