French Emperor Napoleon's forces were strong enough to conquer and control the whole of mainland Europe, including the numerous German states. Napoleon reorganised Germany into 39 larger states. He also established the Confederation of the Rhine, a league of 16 German states.
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Charles de Gaulle was the French leader that had came to power after World War II. Charles de Gaulle was a general during World War II, and often disagreed with the leaders of France. When France surrendered during World War II, he wanted to keep fighting and thought they could overcome it, but he did not get a say since he was just a general during this time. De Gaulle made a French government called Free France, this essentially went against the French government and he protested that they should not surrender and overcome the vicious rule of the Germans. They did not listen to him whatsoever, and called him a traitor and ordered him to be jailed for treason. He continued to work hard to liberate France and after World War II, he was recognized as a hero and ended up becoming the President of France. He was loved during this time, the economy thrived and France had recovered from World War II.
Settlera traveling the Oregon trail often died of animals, Settlera believed that manifest destiny was the right thing to do