This is false. There are many factors, like climate, fires, pollution, etc.
hot and dry
CONTINENTAL TROPICAL AIR MASS. The source region for cT air is the desert Southwest, the high plains and Mexico with relation to the United States. The air has low dewpoints and warm to hot afternoon temperatures but with mild nighttime temperature. Skies are generally clear in cT air.
Yes there will be a slight difference in texture but ultimately it is a acceptable substitution. Just make sure to look at the recipe. It depends on how much fat and moisture that milk is contributing to the overall batter or food
Answer with Explanation:
Hydrogen peroxide is considered<em> "unstable,"</em> thus, storing it in the refrigerator provides two advantages:
1. It slows down thermal decomposition.
- The rate of decomposition slows down when the temperature is lowered. It increases when the temperature rises.
2. It prevents photolytic decomposition.
- Photolytic decomposition happens when hydrogen peroxide is exposed to sunlight or bright light. It therefore increases the rate of reaction. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide should be stored in a <em>cool and dark place</em>, such as the refrigerator.