He objects to Ahab’s pursuit of a creature that is too cunning. Captain Ahab intends to save Starbuck while they are sailing on the seas. During their trip the boats are attacked by Mobydick. This is the reason why Captain Ahab objects to Starbuck's desire and he forgets about his promise.
1. The color purple is not one of Willow's obsessions
2. The line: ''I do not like to exclude people I’m the one who is always excluded so I know how that feels'' shows that Willow has empathy. She recognizes herself as an unusual person who is treated in a way she does not like, and so she does not want to treat other people in the same way since she knows it is not nice.
3. The results showed that Willow was highly gifted
4. Willow wore her gardening outfit on her first day of middle school
5. Willow lives in California
The book Counting by 7s is about a young girl named Willow Chance.
Willow lives in California. She is obsessed with the number 7, diagnosing medical conditions and plants. She is an empathetic child and was described as highly gifted by her educational consultant.
She decided to wear her gardening outfit to the first day of middle school to make a statement about her personality.
Correct, but pros and cons mean , positive and negative aspects