Question number nine 9 is
Osman stupid brainy want 20 character sorry
This type of government has elected officials that govern the country and are responsible to the voters who elect them. The Romans created a republic after overthrowing a king. Romans are also responsible for creating a legal code written down which protected the rights of all citizens.
Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait in 1990 because he accused Kuwait of collaborating with Saudi Arabia to keep oil prices low and he also wanted them to cancel Iraq's $30 billion foreign debt
The attack on Kuwait was a two (2) invasion that started on the 2nd of August 1990 by Iraq under the order of Saddam Hussein and this attacks lead to the invasion and occupation of Kuwait by Iraq for a period of 7 months.
The negotiations to prevent this invasion/war last for two hours because Saddam Hussein was bent on Kuwait and Saudi Arabia cancelling out the $30 billion foreign debt been owed by Iraq to them in compensation of Kuwait using advanced drilling method to steal Iraq's oil from the Rumaila fields
he was tried twice for the same crime.
Double jeopardy clause occurs when a person is put on trial for an offense of which he has already been put on trial before. United States Constitution, states that no <em><u>"person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb..."</u></em>
This can only apply if the accused has already gotten a valid acquittal from a law court or conviction within the same jurisdiction. If this occurs, then the government or prosecutor cannot retry the accused/defendant.
Therefore, Frank Palko believed that double jeopardy would apply in his case because he was tried twice for the same crime.