This would be Calvin Coolidge. Coolidge meant well, but left business and practically all financial matters to the whims of the market, which led to the Great Depression.
The Declaration of Independence, which was drafted by Thomas Jefferson, states that all men (specifically white men) have unalienable rights such as freedom from tyranny.
One of the reasons why the Roman Empire produced more coins is because the Empire was constantly expanding and they needed to more money in circulation. Another reason was that people would chip the sides off the coins.
On the constitutional side, the Compromise of 1820<span>was important as the example of Congressional exclusion of slavery from U.S. territory acquired since the Northwest Ordinance. Following Maine's </span>1820<span> and</span>Missouri's<span> 1821 admissions to the Union, no other states were admitted until 1836, when Arkansas was admitted.</span>
I would go with Brown v Board of Education. It gave more rights to African Americans and made them one step closer into beating segregation. Through the court case, segregation in schools was deemed unconstitutional, and so was segregation in other public places.