Both Greece and Rome are Mediterranean countries, similar enough latitudinally for both to grow wine and olives. However, their terrains were quite different. The ancient Greek city-states were separated from each other by hilly countryside and all were near the water.
I learned this areadey
Liberation-freedom of speech
Freedom of equality
Freedom of goverernment-democracy
These are three main points you can talk about but I can't do your paragraph.
The answer is Anglo conformity view which is letter b. This is the predisposition of immigrants to be unable to find much of their native cultural heritage and follow significantly to the core Anglo-Protestant culture of the United States. Immigration has been a continuing and significant source of growth and development for the United States. Attitudes near these new arrivals, both legal and illegal, have diverse with time and circumstances. One continuous concern has been the integration of immigrants, who are often compulsory to seek acceptance by means of Anglo conformity.