The black death was one of the most devastating disease outbreak in the history of human race. The black death resulted in a lot of crises including religious, social and economic upheavals. Although the disease affected all the people in Europe, at a time the Jews were blamed for the ravages caused by the disease outbreak. The Jews were thought to be responsible for the disease, therefore, other people started killing the Jews who live in their communities and this lasted all through the time of the disease out break.
The Sedition Act took away some rights guaranteed in the first amendment. Also many Americans felt that it was unfair that they were forced to fight in a war that was not their own. The U.S. foreign policy at the time was still based on the western countries and eastern countries leaving each other alone.
Self made steel tycoon and philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie was one of the wealthiest men in the 19th century, a business man who donated toward the new York public library. I assume that answers the question?.
Answer: compassionate describes someone who cares about others who are suffering and feels sympathy for them:
B. People should avoid conflict whenever possible
Laozi’s main concern involved describing a way of life that could be true to the natural order of God’s laws. He advocated for simplicity and a way of life that avoids conflict whenever posssible