"The Hardships of Sugar " or maybe "Bitter Sugar" as the title. I don't really understand the structure of the paragraph.
The wind lifted entire houses off the ground, the wind was blowing with incredible speed and force.
The wind was blowing with incredible speed and force, the wind lifted entire houses off the ground.
Ashoka (Brāhmi: , Asoka,[4] IAST: Aśoka, English: /əˈʃoʊkə/), also known as Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty, who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from c. 268 to 232 BCE.[5][6] A grandson of the dynasty's founder Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka promoted the spread of Buddhism across ancient Asia. Considered by many to be one of India's greatest emperors, Ashoka expanded Chandragupta's empire to reign over a realm stretching from present-day Afghanistan in the west to Bangladesh in the east. It covered the entire Indian subcontinent except for parts of present-day Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. The empire's capital was Pataliputra (in Magadha, present-day Patna), with provincial capitals at Taxila and Ujjain.