1.Según la forma de vida y de obtener alimento los organismos de un ecosistema se clasifican en organismo productores, organismos consumidores y organismos descomponedores.
2.Las condiciones ambientales en ergonomía tienen que ver con el diseño de aspectos como la temperatura, la iluminación o el ruido. En centros de atención a personas dependientes los principales problemas se relacionan con la temperatura y la iluminación y afectan a casi todos los trabajadores
3.SUSTANCIAS ORGÁNICAS E INORGÁNICAS Las sustancias orgánicas son todas aquellas relacionadas con la vida, y se componen de carbono, de oxígeno o hidrógeno, mientras que las inorgánicas son sustancias "muertas", donde escasean estos elementos propios de la vida como el carbono, el oxígeno y el hidrógeno, o si
Sickle cell anemia is caused by a mutation in the gene that tells your body to make the iron-rich compound that makes blood red and enables red blood cells to carry oxygen from your lungs throughout your body (hemoglobin)
A capstone course, also known as capstone unit or a senior thesis or senior seminar serves as the culminating and usually integrative experience of an educational programtion A capstone project plays a vital role in preparing a student for the future course of learning. It gives students a chance to retain whatever they have been learning during their college studies and apply it once they pursue a specific academic profession in the college.
<h2><em>What is Structure!????????? </em></h2>
- <em>A <u>structure</u> is an arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in a material object or system, or the object or system so organized. Material structures include man-made objects such as buildings and machines and natural objects such as biological organisms, minerals and chemicals.</em>
<em>hope </em><em>it</em><em> helps</em>
<em>#</em><em>c</em><em>a</em><em>r</em><em>r</em><em>y</em><em> </em><em>on</em><em> learning</em>
Answer: DNA
A chromosome is a thread-like material with a long structure found in the cell nucleus. It mainly contains DNA and proteins. Due to the presence of DNA in chromosomes, it carries several genes.
The total number of chromosomes in human cell is 46: 44 are non-sex chromosomes while 2 are sex chromosomes