13 is products and for 14 i cant see the whole diagram
The pair of characteristics that one must use to classify a fish is the presence of jaw and skeleton type. Agnatha fishes are also called jawless fishes and they lack bony skeletons. Cartilaginous fishes are composed of cartilage skeletons. Bony fishes have bony skeleton structures.
These fibers provide vis- ceral motor (parasympathetic) innervation to the viscera. The only cranial nerves that transmit parasympathetic fibers are the oculomotor, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves.
Answer: Although the Moon appears to shine, it does not emit light. Instead, we can see the Moon because it is lit up by the Sun.
The part of the Moon that is both sunlit and facing Earth is called the Moon's phase.
As the Moon orbits Earth, the Moon's phase changes. The model below shows the Moon's phase at eight positions in its orbit. The smaller moons closer to Earth show where sunlight hits the Moon. The larger moons farther from Earth show how the Moon will look during that phase.