Habituation is a kind of learning process in psychology, which describes the behavioral responsiveness of humans and animals to a stimulus that is presented repeatedly without a change, punishment or reward. It explains that response of humans and animals to a stimulus that is repeatedly presented will reduce over time. The more the repetition, the less response is exhibited.
Hannah is simply exhibiting a lesser degree of responsiveness to the repeated occurrence of same stimuli which is termed habituation.
Water moves through the hydrosphere in a cycle. Water collects in clouds, then falls to Earth in the form of rain or snow. This water collects in rivers, lakes and oceans. Then it evaporates into the atmosphere to start the cycle all over again.
b. all three pathogens are obligate anaerobes.
Tetanus is caused by an <u>exotoxin</u> produced by the bacterium <em>Clostridium tetani</em>, which is normally f<u>ound in the soil</u>, although it may be present in the intestines of mammals. It is an <u>anoxic and spore-forming bacteria</u>. It enters the body through wounds or deep punctures, finding in the wound the anoxic conditions to germinate its spores, producing its potent toxin.
Anthrax is caused by the bacterium <em>Bacillus anthracis</em>, which is a stationary and <u>endospore-forming </u>bacteria that is resistant to high temperatures and chemicals. It is a <u>strictly aerobic</u> bacterium and can be <u>found naturally in the soil</u>. Both animals and humans can breathe or ingest spores of this bacterium by consuming meat or contaminated water. When spores get into the body, their turn into active cells and <u>produce exotoxins</u>
Botulism is caused by the pathogen <em>Clostridium botulinum</em>, a s<u>trict anaerobic</u> bacillus, producing <u>endospores and 8 different types of toxins</u>. Being a <u>soil-borne bacterium</u>, it usually appears in the food of animal and vegetable origin.