Answer: my test says line graph soooo….
Explanation: if its what the test says
d. by increasing their customer knowledge and leveraging that information to improve customer experience
Consumers are at the heart of all businesses as they are the ones who our product are targeted. They purchase these goods and the company makes profit. Therefore, it is paramount for businesses to identify their target consumers in other to understand their preference and serve them accordingly. With data analytics, a consumers purchase history, likes and viewed products may be used to improve relationship between consumers and service providers. Once a consumer's preference is anlysed using data, then this is leveraged to improve the kind of service offered to such consumer leasing to better consumer experience.
1.word = "George slew the dragon"
startIndex = word.find('dr')
endIndex = startIndex + 4
drWord = word[startIndex:endIndex]
2. sentence = "Broccoli is delicious."
sentence_list = sentence.split(" ")
firstWord = sentence_list[0]
The above snippet is written in Python 3.
1. word is initialized to a sentence.
Then we find the the occurence of 'dr' in the sentence which is assign to startIndex
We then add 4 to the startIndex and assign it to endIndex. 4 is added because we need a length of 4
We then use string slicing method to create a substring from the startIndex to endIndex which is assigned to drWord.
2. A string is assigned to sentence. Then we split the sentence using sentence.split(" "). We split based on the spacing. The inbuilt function of split returns a list. The first element in the list is assigned to firstWord. List uses zero based index counting. So. firstWord = sentence_list[0] is use to get first element.
When the user wants to configure a camera device on his Linux computer and the user recognizes that his device does not have a device-specific file. Thus, the user could use the mknod command on his computer to set up an equipment file because it is the command that is used to create a fresh file and these files are not the same as the normal file.
So, the following answer is correct according to the following scenario.
Answer:Protects the local network from outside access
Explanation:Proxy is a type of serves as the mediator in computer network for connecting the network with the user system. These servers are responsible for maintaining the security against any unauthorized access in the system or internet,privacy and other functions.. It helps in protecting the whole network connection by taking the control at the servers .