In "The Things They Carried," O'Brien talks about the various items that the men carried with them during the war. O'Brien is able to connect the physical items that the men carry with the emotional burdens that they also have to dealt with. For example, O'Brien talks about a man who carries pantyhose with him as a way to remember his girlfriend. This is also a sign of longing for home and company. Another example is the man who carries maps with him. This is a way of representing the responsibility that the man carried with him when it came to the rest of the team. The physical items contribute to developing the theme of the difficulties and burdens that soldiers have to face, even long after the war is over.
Our country Nepal is rich in natural beauties, gifts, resources, and wonders. There are many places and things of cultural, historical and religious importance. Mt. Everest, the highest peak in the world, lies in Nepal. We are proud of it. The snowcapped mountain peaks beautiful water resources, the green forests of hypnotic beauty, flora and fauna, etc. attracts many tourists every year.
Nowadays tourism in Nepal is very important. Nepal is a suitable place to promote tourism. Nature has given us many things which are liked by tourists. Some tourists come here to enjoy natural beauties and wonders. Some of them visit our country for trekking and climbing mountains. Some want to learn something about our history, culture, religion and so on. We can see that some tourists come here to enjoy their holidays.
Didn't they use the money to help their other Allie Britan?
rapes and sexual assault
Why because it was one of the main cause that happen to children.
D. Americans
The antecedent is a noun that replaces the subject, the thing doing the action.
In the sentence instead of saying americans again it says their.