Answer: Your Answer Is B. Weekly and Monthly
According to the passage, windmills aided the growth of the country of Holland J. by pumping seawater, the Dutch flooded coastal bogs in order to improve ship travel.
How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world?
How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world? How did the Silk Road connect China to the rest of the world?