An alert appears on the other devices
On social media platforms, whenever some one make a post, all the person who are using that social media app and present in the friend circle of that particular person receive an alert containing the information of the post.
The alert that received by different users on a social media platform is known as Notification. This notification is a type of text, in which the activity performed by post creator is mentioned, this text is received with the tone called notification tone.
The purpose of the alert is to informs the friends who are using that social media platform that a post has been published by someone.
Pinhole cameras were one of the most sophisticated devices of the period, it made tasks much easier it basically worked exactly like the human eye and is something just like tracing.
The best answer is "B"
The is a typical format of the command to use:
xfs_metadump -o /dev/sdb1 /reviewxfs
Primary storage. Primary storage (also known as main memory, internal memory, or prime memory), often referred to simply as memory, is the only one directly accessible to the CPU.
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