Diversifying selection, describes changes in population genetics in which extreme values for a trait are favored over intermediate values. The variance of the trait increases and the population is divided into two distinct groups. In the above question an example of diversifying selection is A population of moths with white and grey forms lives in a forest containing trees with light and dark bark.
The reason why the electricity could decrease is because the population of the town’s people has gone down causing the electricity rate to decrease. Hope this helps you.
When a cell is in G2 phase, it has already doubled in S phase its DNA, meaning that for each chromosome we have two chromatids -> 2n(number of chromosomes)×2(number of chromatids per chromosome)=number of chromatids.
If 160 is the number of chromatids on G2 phase of a chicken cell, it means that the cell has 80 chromosomes (2n), and after meiosis, process to form a sperm cell, will only have 40 chromosomes (n).
Subaerial stems are the stems that do not rise up but grow just above the ground. As a type of asexual propagation, these subaerial stolons, also called runners, often develop roots and leaves from their nodes. Some pond plants have subaerial leaves as well as submerged leaves (water plantain, flowering rush)