Anwser is #1 because t<span>he equator is moving faster than the poles and so extends outward a bit due to centrifugal force. That means a point on the equator is a tiny bit farther from the centre of the Earth than the poles. </span>
<span>The gravitational acceleration at the equator is 9.789 m/s^2m, and 9.832 m/s^2 at the pole.</span>
Unregulated cell division can result in cancer
The oral mucosa is the mucous membrane lining the inside of the mouth and consists of stratified squamous epithelium termed oral epithelium and an underlying connective tissue termed lamina propria
a.There are three signaling pathway
1- Reception in which molecule binds to receptor
2- Signal transduction in which activation of intracellular pathway and enzyme occur.
3- Cellular response in which specific response of cell occur according to receptor and ligand.
b. Three types of receptors are
1- autocrine
2- paracrine
3- endocrine.
autocrine receptors are signaling pathway in which cell releases its molecule and bind to its own cell receptor example cancer cells while paracrine in which ligand binds to other nearby cell receptor and it is used during development and in endocrine cell target distinct cell and travel through blood stream like hormones functioning.
are right in that bananas contain potassium and K-40 is a naturally
occurring potassium isotope AND the K-40 in an average banana does decay
at a rate of about 31 ATOMS per second (half-life is > 1 billion
years). This is an extremely low level of radiation and nothing to worry
about. Bananas will definitely NOT cause a "nuclear winter."</span>