Answer: File History
Explanation: File history is the history that gets created in the form of back-up that keeps the record of the stored files. It is used in protecting the files that is present on the system like desktop, libraries,etc.
It creates the duplicate records in the storage for any future use and it can also be restored easily.File history also facilitates with feature of deleting the unnecessary history afterward when the user wants.
Popular Electronics is the correct answer.
It is the first magazine that released in the year 1975, Jan. The following magazine is about the initial microcomputer kit which for the Mits Altair.
So, that's why the following answer is not false because it is the first magazine that released the article about the following microcomputer kit that is update on the cover of the magazine.
Short answer yes. kinda long answer people can scan the photo and easily see or they can just look up the same image
The correct option is Option B
We need to find examples of client-side code.
Client Side code: The part of code, that doesn't require server for performing specific task
SO, The correct option is Option B
Prompt for special characters in user name
Reason: We can use alert to generate prompt using JavaScript or through validation and it can be done on client side.
All other options, we need to hit the server to perform the task, So they are not client-side code.