Germany's reparation payments after World War I caused massive inflation in Germany. The Treaty of Versailles and 1921 London Schedule of Payments required Germany to pay 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion) in reparations to repair civilian damage caused during the war.
Explanation: Korea was divided between two types of government north Korea was under communist rule and south Korea was under democratic rule.
.............good luck!
They had the most resources, which meant they can sell as much from their colonies as they pleased. They owned the majority of the middle east, half of africa, the 13 colonies of the USA, Canada, Australia, New zealand, Afghanistan, modern day pakistan, India, Burma, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and part of Japan and China.
This will be my last answer for now, but I'm positive the Louisiana Purchase occured between France and the US during Jefferson's Presidency. It was a really good deal for the US, because it was a lot of land for little money. However, envoys under Jefferson negotiated the deal without his direct approval, meaning Jefferson was forced to push for ratification.