You have not given the concept map. But I think it might be this one. So, according to this concept map, the answer should be B. H2O and CO2
Information and a couple of other people who is interested in taking up and taking a role away the home.
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The growers have not established an integrated commodity chain
Integration of commodity chain includes merging of different alternative practices of agriculture for the overall growth of the society. It may raising cattle like sheep, lambs, cow or horses, etc. or raising deer, buffalo, emus and elk and also doing various plantation of crops such as wheat, barley, rice, coffee, cotton, etc.
But the farmers have not been able to established the integrated commodity chain because of which the growth potential of the alternative agricultural practices like raising emus or buffalos or growing amaranth grains is limited.
Abiotic components of an ecosystem are water, air, light, soil, and temperature.
Now think about how the availability of these things will affect what could live in a specific area.
Consider a desert ecosystem. Deserts are arid, receiving little rain (water) and have extreme temperatures (both cold and hot). Because of these conditions only certain plants and animals can live here. These plants and animals have adaptations that are specific to the environment. If you were to put an organism that does not belong in there, they would most likely die out.
Tidbit for you. The Atacama desert is one of the driest places in the world, located specifically in Chile. At one point, this place did not receive any rain for 500 years! Still plants and animals are able to live in this area. When it finally did rain, the sudden downpour caused a radical change in this ecosystem. You would think at first rain would be good, but no. Because the changes the rain brought was too drastic, it caused a devastating effect on the organisms that lived there because they were not adapted to rain.
I just looked it up, it's carbon!