The power to tax, to borrow money, to regulate commerce and currency, to declare war, and to raise armies and maintain the navy are just some of them.
Concrete operational thinker.
Dee has now become a concrete operational thinker because she has now grown to think more rationally.
This stage by Piaget is the 3rd in his theory of cognitive development. Dee is now mature enough to use logical reasoning. From what we can see, her thinking is now more concrete and sophisticated. But she can only apply this logic to physical objects.
<span>The fact that Ryan describes Heidi with the words: "Her boss knows what she has to offer and is confident with it."</span> means that Heidi is likely to have the potential to be a
transformational leader and is likely to
be a transactional
leader. Besides confidence, you will want to
develop high ethical standards,ability to contribute, willingness to work without asking for feedback.