ANSWER: The tank was developed as a means to break the stalemate on the Western Front in World War I. Military technology of the time favored the defense. Even if an attack did succeed, it was almost impossible to exploit the breach before the enemy rushed in reinforcements to stabilize the front.
The Japanese don't have a president. Perhaps you are referring to the Prime Minister, in which case the first Japanese Prime Minister (in the modern sense, so excluding emperors) was Itō Hirobumi.
Many people were unhappy with their governments.
The factor that made it easy for communism to spread in Eastern Europe is because "Many people were unhappy with their governments."
This is evident in the fact that after world war 1, Stalin used the power of propaganda through radio to popularize the defects of the governments in eastern Europe.
He also secretly recruit policemen to spread Communism in the region. A good example was how he recruited police forces that were unhappy with the government in Poland in 1939.
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