16. y. Gibbons V Ogden
"This Supreme Court decision forbade states from enacting any legislation that would interfere with Congress's right to regulate commerce among the separate states." -From the National Archives
This decision was following the invention of the Steamboat by Robert Fulton
This philosophy inspired the faith in the Truman Doctrine that pledged the US to support anti-communist regimes to protect them from falling to the communists. From this perspective, the interventionist foreign policy of the US in preventing the spread of communism was crucial to US victory in the Cold War
Santa Anna told texans to repealing Mexican constitution
This newspaper claims that there is a $50,000 reward for something. This is a very convincing appeal, and people would likely buy the newspaper in order to discover how they can earn the reward. However, this is simply a trick to attract readers, as the reward is metaphorical. It is a device used to comment on how the Maine (a ship) was thought to have been destroyed by the Spanish.