People should rest one day a week.
Although both religions were born in the same region and based on the same mythological belief, the culture of peoples eventually led them to different paths and situations of intense conflict that deviate or even address the precept of both religions. However, even in the face of differences, Christians, Jews, and Muslims share some similarities, such as faith in one God and belief in a messiah. In addition, Judaism, Islam, and for a long time Christianity believed that one day of the week should be reserved so that everyone could use that day only for worship and prayers to the one God, that day was represented by the seventh day of the week. which represented the day God rested when He created the universe.
The Silk Road was important because they were able to acculturate various cultural beliefs amongst the traders as well as they were able to trade different products like silk, spices. However, despite the cultural and mercantile trade the Silk Road had also brought along various diseases and ailments amongst the people involve in the trade.
Only the white wealth men could vote. Also the elite families dominated politics in that it was possible for many members of one family to serve on legislatures.
Anger and violence and resentment. and now we feel bad for them and the African Americans and our treatment of them for the past has created the apathetic and pathetic subcultures that are native and African American