Pretty simple. Ever heard of the saying 'More minds are better than one'? Well, it's true. Not only would you come up with better answers with a shared opinion, your opinions and ideas are less biased from past experiences, so they are more accurate every time!. Plus, in terms of a team collab, tasks can be completed faster if everybody focuses on different things instead of one.
yessss I tooo have a fire at my home
ok have a great day what is your name ?
The following code is written in Java. It is hard to fully create the code without the rest of the needed code including the T class and the Measurable interface. Regardless the following code can be implemented if you have that code available.
public static T minmax(ArrayList<T> mylist) {
T min = new T();
T max = new T();
for (int x = 0; x < mylist.size(); x++) {
if (mylist.get(x) > max) {
max = mylist.get(x);
} else if (mylist.get(x) < min) {
min = mylist.get(x);
return (min, max);
It is C) A credit investment system.