Well, it is safe to turn a computer on without a RAM, but you can't really do it. RAM is one of the essential components in computers without which you can't really use a computer. You can turn it on, however, nothing will appear on your screen and the system won't boot. So, technically, it is safe, but it won't do anything to your computer as it cannot run without RAM.
Be polite and open to ideas
Before going make a list of things you need to know for sure. You could also provide some samples. Make sure you take many notes on what they want! Speak with your client and ask them how and when they want to be updated on progress, some might want to know once a week others may want to receive a progress report every day. Communication is always key and will always help you provide good service.
Hopefully, this helps!
I changed your program using some of the concepts you were trying to use. Hopefully you can see how it works:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
short T;
cin >> T;
string str[100];
for(int i=0; i<T; i++)
getline(cin, str[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < T; i++)
stringstream ss(str[i]);
string tmp;
vector<string> v;
while (ss >> tmp)
// Let's capitalize it before storing in the vector
if (!tmp.empty())
transform(begin(tmp), end(tmp), std::begin(tmp), ::tolower);
tmp[0] = toupper(tmp[0]);
if (v.size() == 1)
cout << v[0] << endl;
else if (v.size() == 2)
cout << v[0][0] << ". " << v[1] << endl;
cout << v[0][0] << ". " << v[1][0] << ". " << v[2] << endl;
return 0;
It will take 8 times more time to sort a 40-element list compared to the time spent on a 5-element list.
We can arrive at this answer as follows:
- We can see that if we divide a group of 40 elements into groups containing 5 elements, we will have 8 groups.
- In this case, the time it would take to sort the list of one group of 5 elements would be repeated 8 times so that we could sort all the groups and their elements.
Another way to do this is to divide the number 40 by 5. We would have the number 8 as a result, which indicates that we would need 8 times more time to sort a list of 40 elements, compared to a list of 5 elements.
You can get more information about lists at this link: