Most bills can originate in either house of congress. One type of bill, however, must be signed in the House of Representatives. ... After it is introduced to Congress it goes to a standing committee where it is then approved before it can be voted on by that house.
Joseph Smith I'm pretty sure
In Athenas, 1. The government is a direct democracy, 4. The assembly is the main body of government and 5. Debate is an important part of government.
Option: c. Cherokees
The Muskogean languages are indigenous to the southeastern United States. In Southeast cultural area, indigenous peoples are the Cherokee, Apalachee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Koasati, Hitchiti-Mikasuki, Creek and Seminole. The dominant of this language among the Indian nations are in the Southeast. Before the settlement of Europeans in the southeastern area, the Muskogean languages spoken in the area like Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida, which is part of states present.
<span>The government agents in the Indian reservation system were representatives of a paternalistic and bureaucratic system whose purpose was to keep the First Nations down economically, politically and culturally and dependent on the state for their existence. In Canada the First Nations are gradually gaining independence and self-reliance as they prosecute their land claims and fight for their rights to the land and resources and to protect Mother Earth, alongside concerned white people.</span>