Utensils, mechanical equipment, and large (fixed) equipment. Utensils are small hand-operated pieces of equipment. Different utensils are made for different tasks, such as for cutting, mixing, blending, or measuring.
Preparation and processing equipments include, broilers, convention ovens, display cooking equipment, frying equipment, griddle and grills, hot plates, microwave ovens, proof cabinets, cooking ranges, revolving tray ovens, steamers, steam-jacketed kettles, steam boiler, dough makers, tilting fry pans, salamander etc.
I will take the side of Zeus. I think he was just in punishing Prometheus for his action.
In the Greek mythology, the Titan Prometheus was a known to be a trickster. He tricked Zeus by presenting him the wrong food to eat. Also, Prometheus stole fire and gave to man.
So, these crimes committed by Prometheus led to the cruel punishments that were meted on him by Zeus. Zeus punished him by tying him up and sending an eagle to eat his liver everyday.
In life, there are punishments for wrong done. It's not injustice if one is punished for the evil he committed. But punishment should be carried out with leniency.
Therefore, I think Zeus was just in punishing Prometheus.
C. Suffrage
DuBois would have associated with suffrage because it has to do with political and social rights, and all he cared for was for Blacks to get their political and social rights. Suffrage is the right to be able to vote in public/political elections, which DuBois would've definitely supported.
Fido’s loss of attention, may be due to a love of water, or curiosity of water fowl.