The Great Depression of America!
It all began with the economic recession in August 1929, but everything got worst on October 24th, 1929: The Black Thursday, or the Crash of Wall Street, Which affected all the world. Then a year later, Banks began to fail. The economy was dead, not only for the united states, but for the whole world. It stayed like that till World war 2 in 1939.
Identical twins are two people born at the same time from the same person that look alike. The difference is they may develop is in personality from different experiences but usually they have different birthmarks
Moons orbit planets like earth, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto etc.
Farmer joe only breeds the largest hogs, the fastest horses, or the cows that give the most milk. this is an example of artificial selection.
The process by which humans select individual organisms with specific phenotypic trait values for breeding is known as artificial selection. If the selected trait has additive genetic variance, it will respond to selection, i.e., the trait will evolve. All of our domesticated species, including crop plants, livestock, and pets, are the result of selective breeding for desirable traits such as hardy seeds and fruits, increased meat and milk production, and docile behavior.
Although the earliest artificial selection was unintentional, it evolved into a sophisticated science of plant and animal breeding; indeed, much of the field of quantitative genetics was developed to improve breeding programs.
Learn more about artificial selection here:
Travelling affects people in many ways. Many people spend time travelling in order to 'find themselves', while others seek the excitement out of their daily life. Travelling isn't always easy- it can be lonely, scary and the majority of the time you are out of your comfort zone. Many people who travel learn how to be alone, how to fend for themselves and adapt to difficult/scary situations. It can make people stronger mentally and physically. People learn how to rely on themselves as their family unit and social network is too far away. Travelling can be rewarding in many ways as eventually your mindset begins to change with regards to money, desires and views about the world. Whilst travelling you meet like-minded people and create beautiful memories that will stay with you forever.