a. Complementary
B. Complementary
C. Substitute
D. Substitute
E. Complementary
F. Complementary
G. Substitute
I. Complementary
J. Substitute
K. Complementary
Complementary goods are goods that are goods used with other goods or service. A complementary good has no value when consumed without the other goods but increases appeal and therefore value when consumed in conjunction with other goods such as ice cream and the cone above. On the other hand, substitute goods are alternative goods that may be chosen over the other and therefore are competing goods in the market.
Not sure what the question is asking, but if it's asking: <span>Which way was most effective?
Then the answer should be: W</span><span>idespread boycotts of British goods</span>
Thank you, you're a lifesaver :)
carbon dioxide
idek giigle said a while bunch of stuff