1. Adaptive radiation: A pattern of evolution in which slightly different species evolve from one common ancestor.
2. Coevolution: A pattern of evolution in which two species evolve in relation to each other.
3. Convergent evolution: A pattern of evolution in which similar characteristics evolve between two unrelated species.
4. Divergent evolution: A pattern of evolution in which very different species evolve from one common ancestor.
5. Gradualism: A theory of evolution that states that a species evolves by consistent, small, steps.
6. Punctuated equilibrium: A theory of evolution that states that a species evolves in spurts of rapid change and then no change.
mitosis, gene expression, differentiation
The eight most common types of synthetic organic polymers, which are commonly found in households are:
Low-density polyethylene (LDPE)
High-density polyethylene (HDPE)
Polypropylene (PP)
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Polystyrene (PS)
Nylon, nylon 6, nylon 6,6.
Teflon (Polytetrafluoroethylene)
Thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU
Fibrous Joints. Fibrous joints are held together by strong connective tissue with only a slight capacity to stretch.
Cartilaginous Joints. Cartilaginous joints allow for slight movement and occur where bone ends are covered
Synovial Joints. Synovial joints allow the greatest degree of movement due to their structure.
Types of Synovial Joints. The many synovial joints of the human body enable movement of various types
<span>Diffusion. Diffusion is when particles in a highly concentrated area spread out to an area of lower concentration. The membranes of cells are very thin, which allows diffusion of different materials to happen easily.
During respiration, oxygen and glucose concentration in the cell is lower than in the surrounding blood. This causes oxygen and glucose to move into the cell via diffusion. Carbon dioxide is produced inside the cell and this makes the concentration of CO2 higher in the cell than in the blood, so the excess diffuses out of the cell.</span>