The Zimmerman Telegram was a message from Germany to Mexico where Germany tried to make an alliance with Mexico in case the U.S joined the war. Germany said that they would let Mexico have their old territory back, which included Texas. This upset many Texans because they didn't want to go back to be under Mexico's control because they had taken a lot of time to gain Independence, and were happy with their lives in America.
Answer: I think the answer is number 2. I could be wrong. I've done the reading a stuff before but that was a little while ago
Hope it somewhat helps lol.
Not really anyone, but it started because someone from Germany killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.
A pocket veto is only possible if "<span>C. Congress is about to adjourn", since Congress must be out of session and therefore unable to take back the bill in order for such a veto to be possible. </span>
Answer: It is true because they were anxious to explore unknown.