I'm already in high school but at first, I was scared for my life literally. It wasn't what I expected it to be, though. Everyone was super nice to me and has been ever since I started. Turns out, high school is amazing.
Determine the error the program returned
The above will return a ValueError error and the reason is as follows.
The first line of the program initializes variable as 'live'.
The next line tries to convert answer to integer and this is where it returns the error'.
On the second line, variable amount expects that the answer variable to contain number e.g. '567' but because it doesn't contain a complete number (i.e. unexpected values), the program returns a ValueError.
l o l l o l l o l ha ha ha ha ha l o l
The closest line to that would be the first line:
echo "Hello World!"
BTW, the "#!" is referred to as a she-bang. When those are the first characters executed, the (requires an absolute path) program that follows is launched, and the rest of this file is given to it as data. To run this like a program, the execute permissions need to be set ( chmod 0755 ).
Major issues with geotagging include the ability to pinpoint the exact location where a photo was taken, which raises privacy concerns.
What concerns me the most is when a geotag of an unsuspecting victim's location falls into the wrong hands.
Geotag - A geographical tag that can attach to SMS text messages, media such as photos and images, etc. The Geotag is measured in the longitude and latitude at which the image or text message took place.