"Took this Position" is the right answer. ^^^
It is the rhythm of the song. In a similar way, all poems that are not written in free verse have rhythm, or a beat, as well. We also call that beat meter. Each specific syllable in a line of poetry is called a foot. This is also referred to as a unit of meter.
D) Branches
Boughs are defined as: the main branch of a tree.
The third statement is hard to prove. Number one is not biased nor is two because it is probable though the word often is not very specific. Four is provable- there would be enough data to see who the bookmobile primarily serves. But there it is hard to prove that education is taken less seriously among the lower-income population. The third is the biased statement.
•to set up Arnettas encounter with dr king
•to tell how dr king inspired many in the movement
•to tell how the Peace Ponies got started