Immortalizing- to bestow unending fame upon or to make immortal.
synonym- preserve, memorialize, commemorate
antonym- neglect, waste, use
sentence- he/she will be immortalized forever in the history of books.
Blasphemy- impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.
synonym- cursing, desecration, abuse
antonym- godliness, religion, respect
sentence- he was detained on charges of blasphemy.
Personal Health is important because we need to make sure we are taken care of before we try to care for others, if our health isn't taken care of it will be a challenge to be able to even work or be able to do all your tasks put at hand. If we are healthy then we are able to work and the economy is benefiting from this and so are you by working.
What paragraph?
I don't see any story/text.
I want to say it’s Ethos but I’m not 100% sure!
A common noun for Thursday would be Day