I would personally recommend taking AP courses for any medical degree. Many colleges or universities consider AP and IB classes to be equal, and unless you are planning to go to college/university out of the US, Advanced Placement classes will be more accepted. Another reason why I would advise against IB classes is that it is not worth it to only take specific classes and is more beneficial to take the full diploma course. Some places will allow you to take individual classes instead of the full program like you would in AP, but it is not a guarantee. AP classes allow you to specialize more and avoid any classes you feel particularly weak in.
No, its not. In a function, each x value has only one corresponding y value. In this relation, the x value 3 has corresponding values of both -1 and 5, which means it cant be a function.
Backhand throw Pancake catch
Forehand throw
“C”catch Pivoting
Answer:Talking to your child helps expand vocabulary, develop background knowledge, and inspire a curiosity about the world – all of which help with learning to read.