C - the goernment feared that certain groups might work to sabotage and not help the U.S. efforts in the war
This fear the government had regarding minorities, allowed them to not use the manpower to the fullest potential, leading to 'inactive manpower'
Sitting Bull (c. 1831-1890) was a Teton Dakota Native American chief who united the Sioux tribes of the American Great Plains against the white settlers taking their tribal land. The 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty granted the sacred Black Hills of South Dakota to the Sioux, but when gold was discovered there in 1874, the U.S. government ignored the treaty and began to remove native tribes from their land by force.
The ensuing Great Sioux Wars culminated in the 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn, when Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse led united tribes to victory against General George Armstrong Custer. Sitting Bull was shot and killed by Indian police officers on Standing RocPlz k Indian Reservation in 1890, but is remembered for his courage in defending native lands.
plz make me brilliant
answer: Biography of Dr Kwame nkrumah
Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972) was the first president of Ghana. Though he effected Ghana's independence and for a decade was Africa's foremost spokesman, his vainglory and dictatorial methods brought about his downfall in 1966, with him a discredited and tragic figure in African nationalism.
The career of Kwame Nkrumah must be seen in the context of the Africa of his period, which sought a dynamic leader but lacked the structures that would make possible the common goal of continental unity. Ghana's and Africa's very inadequacies initially made them insensitive to Nkrumah's failings, conspicuous among which was the ever-widening gap between his rhetoric, which called for a socialist revolution, and his practice, which accommodated itself to the worst aspects of tribal and capitalist traditions.
I believe it is 71 B.C correct me if im wrong
The term Anabaptist means "one who baptizes again". Anabaptists are Christians who rejected infant baptism in favor of believer's baptism.They believe that baptism can only be valid if the petitioner confesses his faith in Christ and is willing to be baptized. Since many of these Reformation Era Christians have already been baptized when they were infants, they opt to be rebaptized as believing Christians.This believer's baptism is opposed to infant baptism because infants are not able to make conscious decisions to be baptized or not. Thus baptismal candidate must make a confession of faith that is freely chosen before any baptismal could take place.