आलस्य Meaning "Laziness," मेहनती would be the antonym, meaning "Hardworking."
Prima zi de școală în clasa întâi
Cu toți cred că ne amintim prima zi de școală în care ne-am făcut prieteni noi și aveam emoții că poate nu ne-ar place sau că mama nu va mai fi lângă noi toată ziua și locul ei va fi luat de doamna învățătoare , care era o femeie înaltă , tânără și foarte iubitoare care radia încontinuu de fericire . Aceea zi de toamnă în care călcam cu pași mărunți spre poarta școlii pe covorul ruginiu de frunze cu un buchet mai mare decât noi în mănuțe , care urma să fie dăruit la prima noastră întâlnire cu doamna învățătoare . Prima zi cea mai frumoasă ,mai strălucitoare și mai luminoasă zi de până atunci . Colegi noi , oameni noi , lucruri noi toate care stăteau să fie descoperite încet nu se grăbeau însă noi o făceam , eram curioși să aflăm ce e dincolo de ușa crem de lemn și ce vom învăța de acolo pentru mult timp .
Machiavelli uses deductive reasoning by first introducing the conclusion that new rulers must be cruel and then supporting it with evidence.
While <em>inductive</em> <em>reasoning</em> provides the evidence for the sake of the conclusion, deductive reasoning jumps straight to the conclusion in order to later on supply us with the corresponding evidence.
In the chapter XVII of Machiavelli's <em>The Prince</em>, the author develops a premises on how a new ruler must be cruel. He gives us the conclusion leaving us in anticipation of the argumentation.
Deductive reasoning is a <em>very successful form of persuasion</em>. Once we are given the conclusion, we await for the arguments and interpret them in order to corroborate and affirm the first statement.
This way by using deductive reasoning, Machiavelli makes his readers his accomplices in proving his point.
you said about anything (sorry if u don't like it)
lisa was a wonderful women who showed compassion to everyone and was loved by everyone, but what they didn't know was that there was another side to her that was dark and crucial. She would go home every day after work mad about how everyone would always use her. one day after a long day at work she sat and thought about all those people who used her. Her dark side was coming out and she was trying to contain her evil side in but she failed. Now that luna was out (that's her dark side) she was hungry for revenge and she went after every single person who used her and she slowly torterd each one of them until they died a slowly death.
sorry might have gotten over board with this story.