Edgar Allan Poe wrote the short story “The Tell-Tale Heart” in 1843.
The option "Edgar Allan Poe wrote the short story" The Tell-Tale Heart "in 1843." is the one that shows the satisfactory result with the combination of sentences 1 and 2 shown above. This is because this option maintains the coherence and cohesion of the text, maintaining the meaning of the phrase and providing that the reader has a clear and sufficient understanding.
It's very dream-like. You have no self-control whatsoever. Some may describe it as a "state of bliss" but in reality, its just false happiness.
he setting of "In Another Country" is Milan, Italy, during autumn. In this season, the atmosphere is cold, which is synonymous with death, an event that is common and frequent in the hospital:
It was cold in the fall in Milan and the dark came very early.
Similarly, the soldiers admitted into the hospital also witness death regularly. On the other hand, the hospital also acts as a haven for the wounded soldiers and protects them from the cold (death, in this case) outside the hospital. In a way, the hospital also separates the wounded soldiers from the civilians outside the hospital:
. . . the men and women would crowd together on the sidewalk so that we would have had to jostle them to get by, we felt held together by there being something that had happened that they, the people who disliked us, did not understand.
The speaker of the story particularly feels this alienation because he is an American in a foreign country (Italy), who has been drafted there to fight in the war with the Allies. Sentences such as "I was a friend, but I was never really one of them" highlight the speaker’s feelings of alienation.
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The right answer is:
They contribute to the rising action by introducing a secondary conflict related to Mrs. Pontellier’s envy of the ease with which Madame Ratignolle manages traditional female roles.
these two scenes from chapter 5 contribute to the novel’s plot development as the rising action. They can not be part of the climax because we are not talking about the main characters in the book.